Sunday, February 25, 2024

Happy Funday Y'all ~ AM


Thanks FBers


1st ANGLICO, here is my 55 year old lighter

I had in Vietnam. 


  1. 4 - aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Oh yes, "...And Hard!" I know, I spent 5 glorious years being all I could be, but all I was a pin cushion and a bullet magnet for uncled Samuel Rothschild and all of his banker friends.

  2. How is it that the folks who saw the TRUTH about Vietnam (more geopolitical BS, more CIA heroin running out of the golden triangle, more profits for the banksters and the death merchants, more power for the government, horrible treatment of virtually every soldier, all so politicians could increase their power and profits), continue to support the military establishment and all the overseas wars of aggression since? Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler of the Marines wrote "War is a Racket" back in the 1930s, exposing everything the US Military was being used for to promote the financial agenda of big business interests around the world (same as always), and STILL, nobody seems to get it...least of which are those who actually live through it? I get the whole "buddies" thing and doing whatever it takes to stay alive and keep your buddies alive once you are thrown into the meat grinder....but why do you still support the meat grinder, the criminals in government, government itself, the non-stop lies that promote the non-stop wars, believe the new lies whenever they are told, support the next war whenever their next false flag (remember the Gulf of Tonkin) "justifies" it, etc.? I mean its not as though it is "different this time." EVERYONE KNOWS IT ISN'T.

    1. MrLiberty, "but why do you still support the meat grinder," What gave you that idea? It was called the draft ... look it up.

  3. Really jogged my memory. Had to haul out my old Zippo from '68 ; gave up smoking in the 70's so it's been a forgotten personal necessity. Maybe we should carry them nowadays? Won't cost us much if we don't smoke ..... Did you work with USS EPPERSON DD-719 by any chance?

  4. A lot of chuckles today, Odie.
    I wonder if they make lighters like that any more? Yours is definitely an original, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. LindaG, sure. That's a regular Zippo that I had engraved.

  5. Go Army or stay home. I am one of 2 members of my family who did their best for the U.S.A.

  6. Thank you for your service Odie. And a hat tip to being in ANGLICO. Those old Zippos last forever.

    Frank W, GySgt, USMC, Ret.

    1. GunnyFrank, I was not "ANGLICO" That is the signature of a commentor here. II was Army.

  7. Loved that one, Dad joke with illustration, but our family have always been punsters.

  8. Odie, I thought you were in the Army. Isn't ANGLICO a Marine unit?

    1. Tripwire, I was. That's the name of a guy that comments here often.

  9. Hubby was a lighter collector. Have trench lighters from WW1 along with multiple others. Anyone have any ideas besides ebay on what to do with them.

  10. Not corny - a great connection with days that were similarly weird but thankfully simpler. TYFYS, Odie. 53 years ago I spent the summer teaching cadidiots at Hudson High 'infantry tactics'. All I got was a 3 year marriage and refinements of my substance abuse skills. I wish I still had the PX Zippo. Oh Well.

  11. Still lights on the first flick too, I'll wager.


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