Friday, January 8, 2021

Libturds PISS Me Off! ~ 1


They beat President Trump up for four years.

Now they're going in for the kill. Damn I'm

so effing pissed right now! AND people like

Mitt Romney need to be bent over and feed

a fence post from the wrong end!

 Thanks FBers


  1. 1 and 5.

    And this is a long way over. By a damned sight.

    FWIW, I'd love to see about 5 million, not just 1, show up at the Inaug and shout, "Thief!!!!", the whole time, although rumor has it the lying dogfaced pony soldier won't leave the basement for that, either.

    1. edutcher, you think that old pediphile won't show up for his coronation? The libs want to really rub this in your face.

    2. They've already started talking about some kind of alternate form. What do they do if another million show up?

  2. Question we all face: As responsible job holders, with a family, a mortgage, kids, and reasonable human beings, WHAT exactly can we do to stop the destruction of America?
    Are we so controlled that we will ride the country down into a third world schiff-hole?
    De we have to wait till ALL is taken away before desperation forces us to act?
    I have no answer.....but open to suggestions...

    1. mark, that is the question of the day isn't it. I don't know what form it will take, but I think the States will grab the bull by the horn.

    2. It's the old line from the Westerns when the stranger gets crosswise of the town boss.

      "I have a wife and family". And they'd slink away in shame.

      The guys in the Continental Army, and both sides in the Civil War, had a wife and family.

      Sooner or later, you stand or submit.

  3. Sadly it will soon be Donald Trump, citizen. If the Leftards think he will be silent, oh boy. He won't need to play nice with his resources.

    1. Feraldog, 70 million people can't wait to hear it.

    2. Double that figure, maybe even triple it, and you're closer to the truth.

      Remember pollsters lie a lot.

  4. I've been saying we need an article 5 convention for years. Naysayers always say "you don't know what you'll get" or "you'll lose the 2nd amendment". Guess what? The 2nd amendment is a goner along with the rest of the Bill of Rights and the whole republic as of right now. I can longer be convinced there is a downside to a Constitutional Convention. What's the worst thing that can happen at this point? We're all under the Chinese Communist Party right now. Go ask supposed Chinese billionaire Jack Ma about rights under the CCP. If you can find him. He criticized the Chinese government and seems to have disappeared.

    1. Mikey, and the latest is Apple is trying to pull Parler out of the App Store. We're surrounded.

  5. You know, Nancy is really making some emotion-driven decisions and statements that show how much an amateur she really is.

    She claimed she prays for Donald Trump every day, yet she cannot control her mean girl vindictiveness and pettiness by her demands he be impeached (again!) and driven from office. She wants the Republicans to actually kick-off the 25th amendment (which she stated totally was not intended for Donald Trump, thereby giving away her end game) because she wants to keep her hands - and those of the ‘rat party - clean.

    She really is a tone-deaf moron.

    The problem is: they do not understand exactly why we are on the march.

    Losing an election is painful but it’s part of life and we get it. We have lost and won many elections without the vitriol being heaped upon us. What has us cheesed off is that they stole the election(s) and dared us to complain and when we did they suddenly jumped up on their collective chair, grabbed their figurative skirts, and screamed, “Eeek! A snake!”

    Fuck ‘em. This has become a war that nobody understands and no one really wants. They’re not going to like the ending.

    So as the Dems grab the reins and begin flogging that “Orange Man Bad” horse, I hope they remember we didn’t start this fire; they did. (Thank you, Billy Joel).

    1. Bobo the Hobo, I'm waiting to see how far they'll go to try and keep us down. Covid and tech will be their top weapons for now.

  6. I seriously doubt that @sshat Trey Gowdy ever said anything like that.

  7. WDS, Asshat? I don't agree, and I can see him saying that.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.