Saturday, January 23, 2021

Dreams ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style


Other Rule 5 Dreamers:


  1. SCREEEECH!! Full EMERGENCY STOP! Another Fooking Blue Haired Guano Crazy Bimbo LIB-Tard with Tats and a set of Pipes. A Lady Gaga, or Madonna, Wanna-Be? Uhh.. NO!

    1. G.W. Long, I'm 74 and I found her beautiful with a great voice and a set of tata's to die for. I can do without the tats and blue hair. Find her on YouTube and you'll be amazed at what she can do for a song.

    2. I totally agree, Odie. One thing more that I liked was that she didn't make the oft repeated mistake (in my opinion) of trying to insert her own embellishments to make it "her" version of the song. The original was quite good, and she stuck quite well to that theme. And yes the tatas are quite nice, and she has a lovely mouth, if you can look past the nose ring.

  2. Good tune. Can get stuck in your head tho.

  3. Sweet dreams are made of cheese,
    Who am I to diss a brie?

    1. Critter, I usually try and not post the tats, but she had too many pluses going for her.

  4. Love the lip gloss. Nose ring ugly. Too close to the original sound. In fact, why is a straight copy of a classic.

    1. Stewart, it was a bit distracting to my also. I like her voice, but I love the tatas.

      Trust me, you'll love next week's girl.


    Lanie sings it way better than blue hair nose ring.


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