Friday, March 13, 2020

An AOC Fun Friday

Thanks David


  1. If the people behind Joementum have their way, we won't have Occasional Cortex to kick around any more.

  2. This idiot was on Brett Bair last night sharing her wisdom on what should be done about the virus.

  3. I read an article the dem party is trying to gerrymander her district to rid AOC from doing more dumb and dangerous stunts. What the the pisser is she will receive a substantial pension and cadillac health plan for the rest of her life.

  4. Village idiot and then some. Bless her heart.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Odie. 😎

  5. edutcher, sometimes I wonder. The dems are a self destructive party. Look at Pelosi holding up money far Coronavirus. The news media are really going to have to protect her this time.

  6. Cederq, yup that bitch doesn't have to work another day in her life.

  7. Sandee, sorry but you bless her heart. I'd rather piss on it.

  8. Odie: It's not nice to pick on the handicapped; but then, I'm not sure that anyone has ever accused you of being nice ( to those who you don't like ).

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

  9. She was presenting the Democrat position on the virus bill. One thing she said regards why no tax cut in the bill was -we need to focus on the virus then move on to other things later. Meanwhile the democrats ahve stuff the bill full of shit like abortion funding.

    I read you need to serve 5 years to be vested into the pension program,not sure if you're partially vested for fewer years.

  10. Even worse if all these effing crooks on pension.

  11. Paul and Kid, I looked it up and it is 5 years.

    Paul, I'm never nice.

  12. I started sorting graphic memes because I am thinking of starting a Blog
    of my own. I'm talking tens of thousands of images. The AOC folder is
    the biggest one by a mile I want this brain-dead chick to win re-
    election. I want her to be the face of the Democrat party because
    she is the best weapon and recruiting tool the GOP ever had!

  13. Unknown, I want her to get one vote, her own.

    Start that blog, it's a lot of fun.


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