Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Mexican Car Thief

This is a Mexican car thief don't think our COP's could get away with this.

Too much?
Do you think this could help control our auto theft problem ? 


  1. Looks for all the world to me like some nasty little brat whose parents never disciplined him got exactly what he so richly deserved.

    More of this needs to happen. Am I mean? No. Just fed up with little pukes who try to run roughshod over the rest of us.

  2. I couldn't agree with Curmudgeon more! I know a few people whose lives would have been changed dramatically if they had the experience of an attitude from the bottom up.

  3. I'm with Curmudgeon and Chris...will reblog at my place...

  4. Curmudgeon, I'd like to see this used here with more crimes.

  5. Nothing like a butt whopping to straighten a punk out.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ♪♫♪♫

  6. Put em in stocks in town center for application of the paddle.

  7. I'm with all the rest, applying a little attitude adjusting to the back-side of the miscreant does wonders for all the parties involved.

  8. Judy, You bet, and I believe this is before he went to jail.

  9. Nope. Won't work.

    Now, used to be... you steal a horse you got hung. That's what needs to be done to car thieves.


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