Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Forever Country ~ by Everyone

Hal sent this to me, and I must
confess I don't remember seeing
it before ... Thanks Hal!


  1. Yeah, Thanks Hal. Outstanding! Thanks

  2. Excellent.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. 😎

  3. It really is good. I get a bit emotional when I hear Dolly's voice at the end.

  4. Sadly country music doesn't have much country any more.

    Thank God for Chris Stapleton...

  5. WOW. Memories. I love my country road, memories on our farm, plowing planting harvesting and milking the cows. It is a very Great Blessing to grow up country. Thank you Odie and God!!!

  6. Brig, Most of the artists in this video I have enjoyed over the years.

  7. Bill, you're welcome, but I will admit when Odie and God are in the same sentence it's usually followed by a "damn".


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