Friday, April 26, 2019

It's Just Another Funday

This last one ... So true!

Thanks me little Facebook Buddies


  1. A while back in the military I was chatting one day with the Comm Unit Commander about computer security and the silly waste of time that so much of our "security" training seemed to produce in the ranks...

    He stated - "The only truly secure computer is one that is unplugged, still in the box and encased in concrete....and I am not certain about that one"

    Have a great surfin' weekend and may the pop-ups be family friendly

    MSG Grumpy

  2. Women can be so unappreciative.

    She probably failed to notice the water was now running.

  3. MSG Grumpy, I noticed my foil hat looking back at me this morning.

  4. edutcher, and after we spent all of that time fixing it.

  5. Alright - I don't "get" the juggler one.

  6. Dang, I've got to be a wiser shopper,just spent $165 for a new star ship...

  7. Yeah; Got the Starship Enterprise and it is a keychain too!

  8. The other day, I got out my Nikon camera to charge the battery. I hadn't touched that camera in more than 3 years. I didn't look up Nikon's or lenses on the internet. I made no mention to anyone that I was charging it. The very next day, Nikon lens ads started appearing on my FaceBook page.

  9. Adrienne, keep reading those last four frames ... you will.

  10. Jan, as I told Adrienne, keep reading the last four frames.

  11. Brig, I thought shopping was a woman's greater attribute.

  12. Glenda, yes it is, but always hire a plumber.

  13. hjets, stock up on foil hats, listen to the Twilight Zone Theme, and call me in the morning.

  14. Arrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  15. Kid, have you ever said, "But you have never put it up for me."

  16. Odie, I'm thinking I'd have to be homosexual for that line. And no, I have no recollection of saying such a thing.

  17. Kid, the ladies want us to put it down for them. How about they raise it for us? Oh never mind.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.