Monday, July 18, 2016

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style LVI

Every Dog Needs A Kid!

Thanks Hal 


  1. Stray dog that was arrested and paw-printed reunited with owner

  2. Awww on all of them. All those little people with some very big dogs.

    Have a woof woof Awww Monday Woodsterman Style. ☺

  3. Too bad we don't have a government that takes care of us that well.

  4. Cool post! I never thought big dogs would be a good idea around small kids, but my brother has the biggest great dane I've ever seen, and that thing was so attentive and protective and gentle with their 2 babies. It was amazing. Big dogs rock!

  5. Hi, Woodsterman! I had to laugh ...those are THE youngest boobs you've ever featured here, right? :-)

    Also...on that picture of "In memory of Alton Sterling" under your "Who should we make fun of..?" post, is it just me or are his genitals just about knee level? :-)

  6. GOODSTUFF, Awww, a story with a happy ending.

  7. Sandee, woof woof thank woof you woof!

  8. Gruntrover, Big dogs as a general rule are gentle.

  9. Z, I tried not to study that photo as hard as you did. I find it a good practice to avoid tugs with pants down around their knees, although they can't run for shit.


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