Monday, July 4, 2016

A 4th of July Tradition . . . . Redhead Express

I know for some it's improper to call Independence Day
the 4th of July. My family was held together by my Father.
Every 4th of July he would hang the largest flag we kids 
had ever seen. It would hang on the side of our house that could
be viewed from the street. Old Glory never looked better.
This World War Two Veteran, my Father, 
called our Independence Day the 4th of July. 
That is why it is called the 4th of July here.

This video has become and Woodsterman Tradition.

Happy Birthday to the United States of America!

Happy 4th of July Everyone!


  1. Happy Independence Day of July!

  2. Independence Day reminds us of the thought and action that created the US. The 4th of July reminds us that another year has passed.

  3. That song will always get you.

  4. God Bless America.

    Have a fabulous Independence Day Odie. ☺

  5. Race, and Happy 4th of Independence to you.

  6. Euripides, well have another Happy Independence Year.

  7. Edutcher, I love the way they do it and the video Screams "4th of July."

  8. HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! I love the sound of that....and will always say it, though I know Conservatives seem loath to!

    By the way, I was half expecting to see a babe in a red/white/blue bikini...hurrah for your video :-)

  9. Z, I can sure make a Red, White, and Blue bikini pin up for you as part of the Woodsterman celebration next year. Happy 4th of July!

  10. Happy 4th of July Trailbee! OH ... my Father's birthday was the 5th of July, and we kids thought all the fireworks were for him. Happy Birthday Dad!

  11. Happy 4th of July, Happy Independence Day, Odie!

  12. Brig, Happy 4th of July and Independence Day Cowgirl Style.

  13. Happy Indianapolis Day! Er, Independendence Day! Happy Happy!

  14. Mr. Grunt, you did much better than I could. I don't think I can spell Indyapplesous. Enjoy a cold one with you fireworks, my friend!


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