Monday, October 12, 2015

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style XIX

Thanks Hal



  1. First time to play this Awww Monday stuff

    Facebook link of Miss Pumpkin, the classiest raccoon on the Internets

  2. Like that Soft Taco one. Many years ago in Mississippi we had eliminated our large predators and it was safe for even a child to venture into the great outdoors, but now the bears, big cats, and coyotes are making a come back----and as you night expect the rabbit population is depressed.

  3. lolz keep em coming Woodsy!!! Happy Columbus DAY! booyah! xoxoxo

  4. Not quite sure----check with Barry he's the dog eater!

  5. I love your Awww Mondays Woodsterman Style. Way cool.

    Have a terrific Awww Monday. ☺

  6. Sandee, always with style ... Woodsterman Style of course.

  7. The Blonde has a raft of stories like those.

  8. All of the humor a Monday can bear...

  9. We have big spiders and cockroaches here in Florida... and big gators, but I don't want to run into a huge bear or moose. I know we have them, but I don't run into them all that often.

  10. Edutcher, then she goes to the head of the class.

  11. Cube, bears are good to stay clear of. Don't go out early in the morning here on trash day.

  12. Messymimi, Thank ye ... we do our best.

  13. Wow, this is a big Awww...Monday, ​literally, lol! I really enjoyed this post. Have a great weekend.

    God bless,


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