Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Power of Makeup . . . .

Absolutely amazing what can be accomplished 

with a little lipstick, powder and paint.

Never underestimate the power of makeup.!!!

Pass this around - it may help to keep the white house from becoming a stable.!!!

Thanks Hal


  1. How many pounds of makeup did it take to make Hillary look so bad, kind of looks like horses's ass...Amazing.

  2. Turning a sow's ear into a silk purse takes a lot of art.

  3. It will take more than makeup to fix the Hill. She looks like she's a not very well preserved eighty years old.

    It's hard for me to believe that she's actually a few years younger than moi.

  4. What LL said. It also takes a lot of makeup.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  5. Randy, the photo on the left looks better, huh.

  6. Adrienne, her heart is what is truly ugly.

  7. I like the wrinkled old crone-looking Hillary with the cokebottle glasses and the lank, greasy hair who testified before Congress better than the stretched and tucked Hillary on the campaign trail. Both are reptilian and repulsive (same Bitch of Benghazi) but the cokebottle glasses just give her the right look.

  8. A horse's ass is way prettier than Hillary will ever be...

  9. Good one Odie, but I think on the last one you may have the before and after switched. Understandable mistake, hard to tell the difference....

  10. Try as I might, I can't seem to fit a cankle gag into my comment. Or touch on her cackling. I must be losing my touch.

  11. LL, ah yes that green outfit and attitude to match.

  12. Brighid, not knowing much about horse's asses I'll have to bow to the expert.

  13. springeraz, I know, I keep doing that and now I've lost track.

  14. Fredd, should I call 911, or do you think it's a momentary setback?


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