Thursday, April 26, 2012

WalMartians Visit Us Again

 Are those earmuffs?? and a whistle??
 Back boobs? Push up butt underwear?

 Leg boobs?
Truer words have never been written on the back of a giant wheel chair.
You can't say Carl doesn't enjoy him some Turkey Day.

Thank You Stopsign (LINK)


  1. Every damn day I keep coming back here...

  2. Randy, you'd better if you know what's good for you.

  3. Yeah, the gargantuan chick could diet, but we all know that's not gonna happen...

    Back boobs. LOL!

  4. Middle america on parade! Seldom go to Walmart anymore---the checkers here are just too rude and totally unfriendly.

  5. Ron, I do go to Walmart on occasion and it's not bad in Reno.

  6. I've not been in a WalMart for years and you keep posting the reason. I love the fat broad in the wheelchair. She'll never lose a pound. Mark my words.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  7. Admiral, welcome to the pages that keep on giving.

  8. Looks like that lady at the lunch meat counter accidentally inflated her life vest. She must have inadvertently pulled that pink string hanging down on her left side.

  9. Lady, I've always known to be aware of the pink strings.

  10. I come here as penance but I stay for the back boobs.

  11. Photos that make me glad that there is no WalMart near my house.

  12. No wonder Mrs. AOW never takes me to WalMart! I would have to claw my eyes out if I had to look at these people!

  13. One crazy turkey... The people that pop up at Wal-Mart, oh my!

  14. Looks like your typical welfare Link card recipients here in the sanctuary city.


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