Sunday, April 29, 2012

Trailer Trash

Dear Friends,
I want to be trailer trash. They did not cause any of the 
problems that our country faces today. They did not get 
mortgages they couldn't afford. They did not run banks 
to the ground with greed. They did not use investors for 
their personal benefit. They don't even belong to the unions 
that ask too much of their companies.
I'm tired of paying mortgage bills, utility bills, property taxes.

I want to live more simply, pack up the dogs and move into 
a travel-trailer.

I don't mind being called 'trailer trash', but I wanted to get 
your opinion.

What do you think about my decision?
To my friends who enjoy a glass of wine..and those who don't and 
are always seen with a bottle of water in their hand.

As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom,
In beer there is freedom,
In water there is bacteria.

Thanks David !


  1. Bwaahaahaaa!!! I want to be trailer trash, too!

  2. I'm right behind ya Odie. And I wanna be sitting in a park located in some remote area with other trailer trash. Just. Like. This.

  3. Your trailer looks a bit different than my first on Odie, but you folks in the Sierra's get all the good stuff.

  4. Sig94, good people travel in those circles.

  5. Actually Randy, this isn't mine, but I wish it was. I do have one that's coming home from storage tomorrow. Mine is a very very scaled down version of this one.

  6. I want to be trailer trash too!

  7. Yes - but what kind of mileage does it get?

  8. I like my little camper--be afraid to drive that sucker. Feeling poorly today just taking a break from the bed now.

  9. Supi, I know, I know ... there's a lot of that going around today.

  10. Race, I'll get those wrapped up for you.

  11. Adrienne, if you can afford the coach you won't care.

  12. Actually I thought of the very same when last discussing "What would you do if you won the lottery?", but being that would be retirement I would hire a driver and mechanic for that rig.

  13. Christopher, don't give all your fun away.

  14. Damn. This old house we're living is a quonset hut in comparison to that trailer.

  15. Where's the hot tub?

    Y'know The Blonde isn't going if there isn't a hot tub.

  16. Lovely trailer. Impeccable taste!

  17. I wouldn't mind being that kind of trailer trash. Just saying.

    Ben was right too.

    Have a great day. :)

  18. AOW, it's probably valued at close to a million.

  19. Edutcher, there's a panel that slides out in the rear of the motorhome with the hot tub on it.

  20. Opie, it's a motorhome. Trailer trash is just an expression.

  21. Sandee, it looks like the good life to me too.

  22. Well, OK, then.

    Next time you're in NE OH, swing by and we'll be packed.

    A nice leisurely run along the Gulf Coast (she loves to snorkel) and some time in the Southwest wouldn't be too much, would it?

    (we'll help with the gas money)

  23. Chinmay, You'll have get this far. It didn't come with pontoons.

  24. I'm sure you're making a play on words, since trailer trash refers to people who live in run-down mobile homes, usually in mobile home parks. But there's one thing those folks have going for them that is usually overlooked: they more sex than any other demographic.

    1. Anon, it was a play on words in this 12 year old post.


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