Sunday, April 22, 2012

Thought for the Day

"Apparently, I'm supposed to be more angry about 
what Mitt Romney does with his money 
than what Barack Obama does with mine."


Brilliant in its simplicity................. 

A. Back off and let those men who want to marry men, marry men.

B. Allow those women who want to marry women, marry women.

C. Allow those folks who want to abort their babies, abort their babies.

D. In three generations, there will be no Democrats.
I love it when a plan comes together!



Thanks David ! 


OH ... Happy Earth Day Morons !
 Thanks OWS


  1. A great way to start the day, seeing another OWS mess. I love those other thoughts.

  2. Ows moms must be happy the freeloaders left her basement.

  3. This is "Be Kind To Animals Week"

    So don't let your Dog anywhere near Barack Obama!

  4. Randy, you know my day starts with making you happy.

  5. Opie, isn't that a photo of her basement? Damn, I always get to two mixed up.

  6. Jarhead, if you put ketchup on their tails it makes them run faster.

  7. The "thought for the day" is small in wording but really hits the mark in its meaning!

    Then the last photo shows us what OWS does with what money they do have - throw it away?

    This Summer and Fall promises to be fun.

  8. Christopher, there should be a bounty ...

  9. Funny Stuff, Odie!
    Happy earth day, hee hee.

    It's Happy Kittehkins Anniv. day, I like that better.

  10. Bwahahahahahaha. Makes sense to me.

    Have a terrific day Odie. :)

  11. The Thought is very apt, but the Brilliant Simplicity is known as the Roe Effect.

    And I do believe it's working, but, as Michael Ledeen says, "Faster, Please".

    PS Been waiting for one like that.
    Keep up the good work.

  12. What these OWS types are really celebrating if Vladimir Lenin's birthday

  13. Teresa, well good because I have more.

  14. Sandee, that's because you're sensible.

  15. edutcher, thank you sir ... I plan to.

  16. Hey, the occupoopers are using lots of biodegradable material and LOTS AND LOTS of 'fertilizer.'

    Great pics and I LOVE that first quote!

  17. Brooke, that first quote is oh so true. I celebrated Earth Day yesterday by turning a wooden bowl from a dead tree.

  18. The sad truth there is still "one born every minute"...and if not, the educational system will create another one.


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