Thursday, April 12, 2012

They're Back .... Wallyworld Munchkins IV

Ummm, NO!
I think we just found Nemo. Must have been a miss-match sale at Goodwill.
Excuse me, sir, your bikini top is untied.
Jim's wife had no clue where her thong had disappeared to.
Connie found her favorite shorts from the second grade and discovered they still fit -- almost.

Thank You Stopsign (LINK)


  1. Odie, tie the bikini top up and get a shave!

  2. Admiral, I prefer to call it the "Hot Buns" edition.

  3. I'm insulted Randy, sometime I go topless and never, never shave. I like the hair under my arms and surprised you don't!

  4. Oh God. Hot buns? Not. WalMart is a crazy place, but is sure has a lot of blog fodder.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  5. I think folks go to WM with the GOAL of getting on the POWM site anymore! Heh.

  6. Sandee, Walmart is a Walmart is a Walmart ... ain't it GREAT!

  7. Brooke, it's that saying about 15 minutes of fame acting up again.

  8. These can't be real - but I did spot a few at the mall today, Mrs. Bannon told me pointing wasn't helping...

  9. I don't want those "hot buns"! Scary pics, Odie.


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