Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Special Interests Gone Wild !

Here's another little something !


  1. Grim.

    I'll be showing that graphic to my economics class.

  2. I love that graphic, too.

    It's jaw-dropping when you put it in a way most people can 'get.'

  3. We're in trouble. We need to get this under control and the politicians, most of them, don't care.

  4. AOW, I hope it works and you can convince a few skulls full of mush.

  5. Brooke, Made that way for us simple folk.

  6. We have lost control over the elected officials. It is indeed grim.

  7. Oh Odie! that my friend is PRICELESS...
    Do me (and possibly yourself) a favour and email me at nominedeus (at) gmail(dot) com, I frequently get interesting jokes etc that you might like to be in on know where to find me

  8. It's simple math, but most are blind to the awful reality.

  9. Right now "to cut costs" they are downsizing the Air Force and Navy. Yet, for every uniformed person they eliminate, they add a government contractor who makes three times as much.

  10. There needs to be meaningful cuts within our government. Unfortunately, those working in the government are like pigs at the trough.

  11. Mr., most reap the benefits of a corrupt Washington.

  12. Trestin, a dirty little secret ... thank you.

  13. Teresa, you know the system is broken when "We the People" rely on those that broke it to fix it!

  14. What a lovely little dream world all these "central planners" live in.

  15. Graphics my ass---porno-grapics is more like it. Those in congress and the White House are showing us their asses and many americans are buying what they are selling---us down the road!


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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