Thursday, February 9, 2012

Politically Incorrect

Every day, a male employee walks up very close 
to a female co-worker at the coffee machine. 
He stops, inhales quite deeply and says that her 
hair smells nice.
After a week of this, the woman can't stand it 
anymore. She takes her issue to a supervisor in 
Human Resources and asks to file a sexual
harassment grievance against the guy.
The supervisor is puzzled and asks, 
"What's threatening about a co-worker
telling you your hair smells nice?"
"It's Frank. The midget."


  1. Deekaman, me too, but I was sitting in a chair.

  2. Ever seen the House episode with the midget?

  3. Isn't just calling someone a midget grounds for a discrimination claim...tsk tsk (or is that just over here?)

  4. No I haven't. That's one show I could never get into.

  5. I know there is a bald joke here somewhere...Heh.

  6. Randy, as a man that's been bald since 22, I would have recognized it I'm sure .... oh her? that be cool too.

  7. Was she turned off by the midget or his closeness to that unmentionable so close to her precious bodily functions??? Just asking! For more political correctness see Osama Death Video.

  8. Hockey is too close to being an American sport. Somebody get that guy a soccer jersey


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