Sunday, February 19, 2012

Herschel, the Magnificent Jew


  1. Supi, it was like discovering gold. There's a whole channel at YouTube called Old Jews telling Jokes.

  2. Odie, too funny! A "Nutcracker Suite" as it were. But, pray, explain your previous "Friday" post to me. I do not at all get it? (I'm serious!)

    Comes from being old and dense, I guess.

  3. TWP, if you mean "The Unstoppable Virus" that was Thursday not Friday. You definitely have it I'm afraid. Take two aspirin (not between your knees) and see me in the morning.

  4. No, I meant Jennifer Anniston(?) flipping off..?

  5. imagine a comedian about Muzzlims..good grief!..xoxoxoxox

  6. How wonderful! Many thanks. What a hoot.

  7. TWP, I just don't have the faintest idea of what you mean. Jennifer Anniston wasn't in the NewsBusters piece.

  8. I know about that eye-sight thing, I had to go from peanuts to pecans.


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