Sunday, February 5, 2012

Costa Concorda

Italian cruise ship captain, Captain Schettino, 
began his new job yesterday as a bus driver.


  1. Maybe he could get on as Barry's limo driver?

  2. Heh. :)

    I like Randy's thinking.

  3. oish lolz ..have a great Sunday my friend~1:-)

  4. He should stick to drinking, he does that better.

  5. I suppose he was having a champagne dinner with an unidentified woman as he was driving the bus. When will people learn!

  6. Admiral, kind of makes life easier huh.

  7. Brooke, Our underground staff at the White House is working on that as we speak.

  8. Personally I would never have given him the job as he has a history of leaving kids to drown while he saves himself (and girlfriend and dinner and wine, not necessarily in that order), rumour has it he is being offered the job as head of the IMF, he seems qualified enough now!

  9. Do we have to...he is liable to sink Europe if...hang about , it may be a good idea to keep him after all...

  10. Nomi, look around, Dude, it's already sinking.

  11. At least he's consistent...

    How do you serve drinks on an Italian Cruise Ship? On the rocks...

    And while we're on that subject, many men like their women just like they like Italian cruises, wet, wrecked and ready to go down...

  12. LL, always on the rocks. I'll keep an eye out for Italian Cruises.


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