Thursday, February 23, 2012

Parents of the Year Revisited

. . . . And, you need a license to fish ?


  1. Get that kid to the front of the checkout line, the beer is getting warm!

  2. Randy, this was taken awhile ago. I already drank it.

  3. Dang NOW I find out I've been doing it wrong for the last 13 years.

  4. Re: Picture #2,
    I hope the little girl has ear plugs in or she won't hear thunder for weeks!

  5. Moogie P, this is just the first installment.

  6. I don't need "no stinking license" to fish! Over 65 now. However, those are cute images. I just pissed off about having to get a damn permit or license for ever thing we do just so the fricking state, city or feds can rake in more money to give away to dead-beats to lazy to work!

  7. I think I still need a fishing licsence here. I'll find out. I just turned 65.

  8. Too bad you cannot license crazy or stupid.

    Think of the revenues!

  9. I laughed and laughed at this one (though I admit, it took me a minute to see the beer in that kid's cart).

  10. Odie, it takes brains to fish, but none to make a kid.

  11. Inno, not quite sure what you meant by that one. I'll try again later.

  12. Fuzzy, That's what we're about here at WoodsterMart!

  13. Opie, Pretty funny? These are my best bits.

  14. Madhat, it still takes brains. They're just located in a different place.

  15. Now we know why the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

  16. About that second picture....Mrs. AOW's dad taught her to target practice from the first days that she could walk. Yeah, don't mess with her!

  17. Mr. I could tell she was someone not to mess with.

  18. Teach them young to target practice! PS: I hope Pending is feeling better, he's such a sweet little guy.

  19. Teaching them young is cool, but they should have ear protection and know how to walk first. Pen doesn't know he's injured.


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