Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Which One of You Sent This From L.A. ?


  1. Sent shivers down my spine to watch.

  2. That's funny Race, I just wrote that to Randy.

  3. Ouch - my tail bone hurts.

    FYI: The car careening down the hill at the 13 mark is Freya Street in Spokane in 2010. Happens almost every year.

  4. I remember well, that type of cold and I don't miss it.

  5. Ha! Those are great and remind me of days in Little Rock---glad I'm in south Mississippi. Here the only thing we like cold is beer and yankees(get my drift)!

  6. Just think, February approaches . . . .

  7. I HATE SNOW. I wouldn't send it to anyone, but obummer, who seems to have alot of it in his new creepy hairstyle.

  8. Hilarious, thank you. No snow or ice in England this year so we are straight back with the global warming doomsters.

  9. Rightly, I know, and there's no snow here this year ... yet.

  10. Banned, it's plenty cold here, but we no snow either.


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