Sunday, January 1, 2012

Have an iTech Happy New Year

It all began with an iPhone...

March was when our son celebrated his 17th birthday, 
and we got him an iPhone. He just loved it. Who wouldn't?
I celebrated my birthday in July, and my wife made 
me very happy when she bought me an iPad.
Our daughter's birthday was in August 
so we got her an iPod Touch.
My wife celebrated her birthday in 
September so I got her an iRon.
It was around then that the fight started...

What my wife failed to recognize is that the iRon 
can be integrated into the home network with the 
iWash, iCook and iClean.

This inevitably activates the iNag reminder service.

I should be out of the hospital next week!!
P.S. iHurt !!!

This is an oldie, but I love it - Thanks David!


  1. Should I give my ipad back? I hate pain.

  2. Never Buy The iRon!!

    It is dangerous!

    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  3. She screamed, "Full Steam Ahead" and left click the iRon.....

  4. Hubby was informed early on that such things as irons and vacuums are NOT "gifts", but simply the tools of my trade. He never made that life threatening mistake.

  5. iRonic! Happy New Year! (It's 2012...where are the flying iCars?)

  6. Randy, the iPad's OK, watch out for that iHurt!

  7. Admiral, don't you hate when they have no sense of humor. Happy New Year!

  8. I've heard those IRON'S are Hot gifts~Now I know it's true.

    Happy New Year to You and Your family.

  9. Supi, I gots clicks all over me. Happy New Year!

  10. Adrienne, We are all pointed to the error of our ways early on, or you receive the iHurt. Happy New Year!

  11. Race, Good question, I look into that. Happy New Year!

  12. Stopsign, and they possess and mean right click, or is that a right cross. Happy New Year!

  13. Well, the problem was that the iRon doesn't have wifi or tunes. ;)

    And one thing the gifter probably didn't realize is that it can support more than one user.

  14. That was super great! Except for how that poor guy feels, he needs an iBody Transplant.
    Happy New Year, Odie.

  15. Brooke, but everyone else already had their "i"s.

  16. Bunni, I'm due to get my iTransplant tomorrow.

  17. yeah. too bad really huh.
    It looks like a lot of broken bones but no severe burns... the fella got off easy...

    huge bonks this was fuuuun-neeee

  18. That left a mark! Ouch! iWouldHaveBrains

  19. Pierro, I'm due to be released from the hospital shortly.


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