Saturday, January 7, 2012

Neck Pain Cure ~ OR ~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

This Really Works . . . 

Neck Pains ?  Try this exercise.

If it worked well, your stiff neck should be lowered.

Thanks Dan !


  1. It better not turn into a headache...

  2. I'm going to keep a pic of #3 handy in case I run out of castor oil.

  3. Randy, I think I have the Flu, and it gave me a sinus headache.

  4. Brooke, I can send you a case of her if you like.

  5. My symptoms have been releived; all the way to my lower back pain. Thx odie. New job can be a real pain. 2 months in and advancement only means I do my job and someone elses as well.

  6. Scott, that's why they promoted you over the other guy. Someone had to pick up his slack ... the bosses brother in law?

  7. And the men say "I have been healed!"

    Great pics Odie.

  8. The "other guy" has been there for years. Being a true butt kisser on the job and off, (the boss's wife has turned on him) he made his way slowly upward. I took over and showed REAL results.

  9. I almost fell out of my chair--thanks Odie. I've used that 3rd from the bottom image before---its great!

  10. I got severe eye strain looking at the third picture.

  11. Turning my iPad doesn't put them right side up. My iPad isn't so smart after all!

  12. Fuzzy's Dad, I know ... it she or isn't she.

  13. Mr. AOW, I think you can lock that feature out temporarily for times like this.


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