Thursday, December 8, 2011

Let Your Graffiti Shine

Thanks David !


  1. Just think...This is what Obama wants to give our yutes free college to go study "Art Appreciation" for. Even so, I visited this site myself sometime back. There are some cool things there. Go to C. Blogger Meet up and I will post two more I found. I love the Zebra.

  2. Hey Odie, Great stuff!

    I myself like to keep things simple so I am partial to the little door knocker,,lol,,but really do like them all.

  3. The cigaret butt is a classic! Sorry I am so late, sick as hell the last few days...

  4. Christopher, You can't beat door knockers.

  5. Randy, take two aspirin and see me in the morning.

  6. That shows great imagination and talent.

  7. Admiral, my favorite is the tiger. He is so three dimensional.

  8. Is #5 Spock or Harrison Ford? ;)


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