Sunday, December 18, 2011

Good News for Everyone

I used to try to eat all natural foods but then 
I found out that most folks die from natural 
causes, so I gave up on that idea!

 This woman is 51.  She is TV health guru 
Gillian McKeith, advocating a holistic approach 
to nutrition and health, promoting exercise, 
a vegetarian diet high in organic fruits and 
vegetables. She recommends detox diets, 
colonic irrigation and supplements.
This woman is 51.   
She is Nigllea Lawson a TV cook, 
who eats meat, butter and desserts.



  1. Ribeye, medium, tators with sour cream and butter...I trust that cook!

  2. Love me the Real Woman that is Nigella. She is as interesting as she is beautiful. Her story is both sad and uplifting. This link doesn't do justice to the tragic side of her life (but the pictures are quite good.)

  3. Ye, gods!

    What a contrast!

    Is the first one from Southern California?

  4. You could almost run this as a rule 5 and negative 5.

  5. I wish I looked as good as number 2 now! Whoa!

    As for number one, I find it hilarious that #1 is a natural holistic whatever, yet still insists on dumping harsh chemicals into her hair to keep that blonde going! LOL!

  6. You missed your calling. You should have been a lawyer.

    Take care,

  7. That "health" hag looks 91! Everyone knows some fat and butter helps to keep you younger looking, except that lefty hag.

  8. Randy, I'm barbecuing steaks tonight. Nothing goes better with Sunday Night Football!

  9. AOW, now now ... Aw but you could be right.

  10. Opie, great idea ... Rule 2.5 Woodsterman Style.

  11. Brooke, MEOW ... I love it when you girls gang up.

  12. Bunni, I get my share, and look how gorgeous I am.

  13. QED, sir.

    A real woman who likes real food is a real beauty.

    The "health nut", OTOH...

    Why is it everything the Lefties push has the exact opposite outcome?

  14. Edutcher, welcome to the insanity that is Woodsterman. Lefties don't think they feel.

  15. As Deekerman says her name is Nigella Lawson, not Nigllea; bet the first one does not smoke or drink.

  16. Bacon, Butter, Burgers... the three B's to happy healthy living ;)

  17. First time I've seen Nigella. I like cooking shows and decided to check YouTube to see if any of her TV episodes were available. Yep, they're there and I just gained 10 pounds of the 20 I just lost watching her cook up all that rich food. Yummy. Very lovely lady, too.
    As for the natural food guru...maybe she should watch a few episodes of Nigella's cooking show.

  18. Lady, good luck with that diet. The three "B's" works for me.

  19. Healthy diets suck and make women look fugly.

  20. I know lots of Minnesota libby runners who look just like that health freak hag at roughly the same age. Good grief - where are my ciggies?

  21. Adrienne, it's better to know than imamate.

  22. Ok, it took me 3 years to notice, but the nutso in the first picture has dirty hands. Filthy fingernails. Don't eat anything she touches! It will make you look like her.

  23. Dick, but you noticed. I forgot it was here it's so old ... LOL.


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