Monday, December 26, 2011

Classic Foster Brooks ~ New Years Warm Up


  1. Gotta start building endurance to make it past midnight this Saturday?


  2. Weedpot update....Our neighbors were thrilled, Odie!

    I've never seen them this delighted with any of the many gifts we've given them over the past 3+ decades.

  3. Brooke, I'll probably pass. It's a young person's sport.

  4. AOW, Thank you for the update. I'm glad I could be a part of it. Don't forget to show them the blog to see how it was made.

  5. Foster was a classic. Reminds me of someone...

  6. RR, I saw him in person. It was the greatest show ever.

  7. This is sooooo classic!! thanks!

  8. They just don't make em like these guys anymore.
    Thanks Odie.

  9. ***HIC***I will always***HIC***remember Foster***HIC***fondly. My grandfather loved that guy...HIC

  10. Hic***up Only if I can (hic***up) fry the plane :)

  11. That was great! Very funny.

    No drinking and flying folks.

    Second thought, maybe that would be fun, like a roller coaster in mid-air?

  12. I really needed this. Many thanks. 3:00 AM? You certainly take your work seriously, and I appreciate that. :)

  13. Trailbee, yes 3:00 and I am tired. Actually I always prepost for 3:00AM so my east coast friends can see it at 6:00 AM before work.

  14. Two of the greatest "pretend drunks" in the history of show biz. Of course, Dean Martin could really knock 'em back, but he rarely did so before or during a performance.

    Only two guests on The Dean Martin Show could truly crack up Dean, one of the greatest straight men of all time: Foster Brooks and Bob Newhart.

  15. Just like foster I'm trying to remember the 60's

  16. AOW, I loved the way Dean couldn't keep his laughter in check.


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