Monday, August 15, 2011

New Dollar Bill

The Treasury Department has issued a new dollar bill 
to reflect the state of the economy.
Save Money and the Environment:
Buy a new Smart Car!
 Below is a Photo of An  Accident Near
New  Orleans Involving Two Trucks And  A Smart Car
at less than 10  MPH.
I Think I'll Pass On  Saving Gas;
I'd Rather Save My  Ass.


  1. Yes, old Ben Franklin is having a rough time these days.

    You are old enough to remember when people said the creme rises to the top, well in this day and age it should be changed to, the sleeze rises toi the top if we look honestly at the Banksters, Corporate Thieves, and Politicians.

    Take care and if theres a fire in the house, make sure you grap the mattress on the way out. :D


  2. Cool car, give one to every member of Barry's team. It should only cost a few those screaming Ben Franklins...

  3. Stranger, good advice ... the mattress is always packed and ready to go.

  4. I have seen maybe two 'Smart' cars on the road and each time I pictured something close to what you posted Odie.

    I think these are more suited for driving around on a golf course.

  5. They are called Smart cars because if you are smart, you will have nothing to do with them. That's my theory and I'm stickin' to it.

  6. OK - I think the smart cars are really cute. That being said, would I actually drive one on the street? No way! Even in my Sonata I sometimes look at big pick-um-me-ups with those HUGE bumpers sitting next to me at a stop sign and cringe imagining that thing hitting me.

  7. Christopher, I toyed with getting one to tow behind the motorhome. This is changing my mind. Too bad, because I think they're light enough to tow without brakes.

  8. The ObamaNation and all it does - ends up looking precisely like that little P-O-S car.

  9. I'm voting to "Save my Ass" on this one.

  10. Like sitting on a grape. That accident is what is known as "Guts In A Can." Just hose down the outside, say a few prayers and bury it.

  11. Drive a motorcycle, saves gas and protects you the same way a smart car does, but at least you will look cool when not being smeared on someone's bumper... Why is it I always think "Trabant" when I see these cars?

  12. LL, when a congress forces car makers to put car bodies on roller skates to please Algore this can happen.

  13. Sig94, It's probably cheaper than a coffin.

  14. Those nasty, greedy, capitalist truckers are at fault. Obama is going after them next with CAFE standards which will put most independents out of buisness.

  15. When the smart car is good enough for Prez O and the Secret Service, it will be good enough for me.

    Until then, I and my family need a bit more protection.

  16. Scotty, in my circle of friends, we would call this "Art".

  17. Opie, stop being a greedy, safety conscious, evil Republican.


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