Saturday, August 20, 2011

Entrepreneur ~ OR ~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

This girl could be sitting at home drawing unemployment.
Instead she's established a business with unlimited potential 
for expansion. A creative entrepreneur who has developed 
a business idea.
She is selling margaritas on the beach 
(clearing $1250.00 per day)...

The jobs ARE out there folks!!!!


  1. 1250.00 a day? Now thats some income!

  2. Randy, poor thing has earned every penny, huh.

  3. I could get her to sell me a franchise, but there aren't too many beaches here in Ohio. ;)

  4. Well, unless you count Lake Erie, but the last time I was there it was cold and there were lots and lots of rats. Hell of a commute from Cincinnati, too.

  5. I high level Vegas hooker can make more than that.

    Both jobs are demeaning.

  6. To mix the margarita, does she jump up and down?

  7. You just can't beat American Ingenuity. But I'm wonderin' just one thing - does this give her 'prune' tits?

  8. A teacher who knows said of the girls seen 'rioting' recently in London "The best of them will become prostitutes, the rest won't have the sense to charge for it".

  9. Do you think she charges by the gulp or by the cup?

  10. Brooke, I think you could do it without a franchise.

  11. Brooke, rats and margaritas don't mix.

  12. Opie, I really can't speak to high level hookers in Vegas, but this girl is the great demeanitator herself. I believe her to be demeaning herself and not all woman.

  13. Madhat, I only have this one photo, so you're young ... use your imagination.

  14. Otis, I would think not, but nice try.

  15. Stopsign, by the looks of it, I would have to guess by the gulp.

  16. Lady, I'll pass on your concern. Quite a welcome back, huh.

  17. To All ... look at that facial expression ... now picture a Walmart parking lot ... just thought I'd give you my thoughts.

  18. I guess "shake your money makers" would work too.

    For most guys that is too much trouble to be worth it. My Wife is touchy about things like this.

    Great post too.

  19. Admiral, it's for a good cause ... spending money at Walmart.

  20. RR, you shame your blog, but I thank you.

  21. Wonder how hard you need to squeeze before you get high---the mere thought gets me there.

  22. Ron, you sound like you'd be a cheap date.

  23. Dark Lochnagar, not sure, I'll ask her to turn around.


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