Saturday, August 27, 2011

Barber Shop ~ OR ~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

This is an actual men's barbershop in Poland ..  
Owned by women...
And they say women are not smarter than men?

Be honest:

If this barbershop was in your community

How many haircuts would you get a month?

Thanks David !


  1. I believe I might get a haircut and never leave.

  2. How many cuts a month? How many days are in a month? They are the smarter sex...Not even debatable...

  3. Deekaman, I just got this mornings haircut, and I'm resting up for this afternoons.

  4. Randy, which month? Do you allow for carry over for shorter months?

  5. I guessed you'd be buying a plane ticket as soon as you learned about this establishment, Odie.

  6. I'm guessing they don't need coupons to lure in the customers.

  7. Hair cuts for 18 and up. Way up.

  8. Opie, h-e-l-l-o ... h-e-l-l-o ... the connection is awful here in Poland.

  9. Odie, There is a Barber Shop, a chain of them actually near me based out of Toronto, Ontario called Lady Jane's similar to this.

    The name fooled me at first but they cater strictly to men, no children or older women with blue hair and the stylists are very talented.

    Granted they do not dress in lingerie but damn near at times. Plus they have leather Lazy Boys and big screen TV's for the waiting lounge and a smaller flat screen TV at every station.

    Add to that that a basic haircut only sets you back $10 and it's a helluva deal all in all !

  10. Christopher, "Very Talented"? Please to explain.

  11. Shave and a hair cut, two... wait, can't finish that statement on upstanding family blog like this ;)

  12. Madhat, isn't the next word "bits", or has it been changed. A bit was 12.5 cents and 2 would be 25 cents. Anywho, that's how I remember it.

  13. I suspect he was going to replace a "b" with a "t".

  14. But instead I decided to let everyone's imagination do the the work of altering the spelling :)

    I think I had heard of a place in Australia doing the same thing, might be the new international for barber shops.

  15. Deekaman, why don't we ask him. He commented after you.

  16. Madhat, let me know when you find it. If we run into each other there I'll buy you a haircut, or what ever else they're selling.

  17. OK, I have to admit that I'd probably go to the barber more often than every four months or so....

  18. Euripides, This comment will be short. It's time for my morning hairc

  19. Woodie: Hahahaha! You must have the best kept hair in town. That's a heck of a commute, however.

  20. Something to be said for female Barbers. I've noticed the cute ones always cut it close---not the hair!

  21. Makes me proud to be Polish, I'd give her the Kolbasi salute

    Sorry ha ha

    Linked @ RR:

    Hot Romanian Chicks III - 'Inna'

    Have a great w/e~


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