Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Magical Misery Tour

H/T to Lee Vanden Brink for the find.


  1. Too frigging true...Good catch Odie!

  2. The Magic Negro hits the campaign trail again explaining how we haven't had enough stimulus. Borrow another $8 Trillion, give it to Obama and he'll be able to fix our woes.

    --The Magical Misery Tour is coming to take us away...

  3. LL, the one thing we've had enough of is BO.

  4. Brook, The one that uploaded this to YouTube has quite a collection I need to go through.

  5. mizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzry is right bro!

  6. And his campaign, oops - I meant tour, bus was made in Canada -

  7. Otis, I happen to know many are made in this country. If it had to be bought foreign, I'm glad it was Canada.

  8. Good one. I think at this rate, his approval may even hit the 20's

  9. Stopsign, all of us here at Woodsterman thank you.

  10. Great vid Woodie, I especially like the image of the newborn already $850,000 in debt. What if he says "No" ?

    We Europeans went to a great deal of trouble to get rid of debt-slavery, now look what we have all gone and done.

  11. Banned, it's others doing it in our names without our permission.

  12. TRAGICAL misery Tour!

    Now he's bringing his wretchedness to the unfortunate ppl in Martha's Vineyard. I'm sure they'll be lots of funny things out of that, his 10,0000th vacay.

  13. Well, Obama's has put America on a "misery tour" ever since he took office.

    Good vid, Odie.


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