Thursday, August 11, 2011

Just Git 'er Done

These men are all finalists in the "Just Git 'er Done" contest.
We can only hope they survive until the awards ceremony.

Thanks David !


  1. I need that hoist those two yahoos have cobbled together, looks easy enough to move...

  2. Hope their spouses took out some Big life insurance policies on these guys

  3. Randy, easy or not, I'll bet you can Git'er Done.

  4. Stopsign, yup and then took the photos.

  5. Where's the other leg on the guy hugging the air conditioner?

  6. Did any end up as Darwin Award winners or at least honorable mention. Read a story last week about a woman how thought a .22 derringer was a cigarette lighter and shot her child by accident. The gene pool must be getting thin.

  7. Euripides, The air conditioner must a ate it.

  8. JoJo, they were born in the shallow end of the gene pool.

    Welcome to Woodsterman!

  9. You must have raided the offices of the Health & Safety Inspectorate who like to drip these images to the press to ensure their own continued employment.

    I had a deja vu moment about the windowsill plank guy.

  10. I bet these guys hear this quite a bit "you thought this was a good idea?"

  11. Hang on tight! Or don't make a wrong move or down, down, you may go.


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