Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rule 5 Woodsterman Style or Earthquakes

For us who are not Seismologists or Geophysicists.

Read and learn! Recently, Japan experienced a devastating 8.9 intensity earthquake.
Some were thought to be oscillatory, while others were believed to be trepidatory.

It  occurred to me that most people might be  confused about this, so I thought it prudent to let everyone know the difference. 
What's the difference between an oscillatory and a trepidatory earthquake?

1.  This calculation is just for engineers:
2. And this one is for laymen -- like  you:
This  is a trepidatory earthquake -- an up and down  movement.....

  This  is an oscillatory earthquake -- a side to side  movement...

And this is a combination of both trepidatory and oscillatory:

Thanks Dan !


  1. For dummies like me, it is good to have several examples...Thank you!

  2. I'm an engineer. I like the simple explanations best.

  3. I'm a whole lot smarter than just a minute ago... Thanks for the knowlege...

  4. well, we just rolled out of bed here in No Va (that is Northern Virginia, which is different than all of Virginia which is mostly conservative and nice southern folk. Here in "No Va" the place is pretty much flooded with liberals and activists to fight Globull Warming).............. and Daddy wants to know if these are pics of your wife, Mr. Woodster?

    All of us here hope you have a bouncy bouncy week-end and a lovely Easter tomorrow.

    The only other thing I have to add is, thank God for seismologists


  5. Teresa, thank you my lady ... a fun one huh.

  6. Born Again, I'm smarter for just posting it.

  7. Pierro, if these were my wife I wouldn't have time for a blog. Have a Bouncybonker Happy Easter kitties and Mr. & Mrs.

  8. I would have though you'd have posted this one on GOOD FRIDAY (yesterday), however it just make today GOOD SATURDAY!

  9. It is said that one learns something everyday and I certainly did here Odie. This is a lesson I will not soon forget.

  10. Christopher, we're never too busy to learn.

  11. Scooney, you're smarter than the average bear.

  12. Odie, well done. An unforgettable post.

  13. Opie, I'm here helping with your edumacation.

  14. An excellent learning aid for teachers of geology.


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