Saturday, April 30, 2011

Quit Drinking ?

I'm never drinking again !

I'm never drinking again !

I'm never drinking again !

I'm never drinking again !

I'm never drinking again !

I'm never drinking again !

I'm never drinking again !

I'm never drinking again !

I'm never drinking again !

I'm never drinking again !

I'm never drinking again !

I'm never drinking again !
And then there was this . . . . . .


  1. Well Odie no deterrence here; I do not believe in zoo's so I do not go, I am married and met my Bride in a saloon (she does not drink) so I am free in my pursuit of happiness so long as I do not infringe on those in pursuit of the same.

    p.s., When drinking, be responsible.

  2. You OK under there, Odie?

    You need an Oxygen tube or something lol

  3. The waiting list at Betty Ford just got longer, a lot longer....

  4. The color of the man's feet are correct, so he appears to be still alive. It looks hard to breathe under there. Yikes.

  5. Don't go to Charlie's rehab.

  6. Christopher, you don't really mean you want to add responsibility to the mix, do you?

  7. RR, I'm a fadin fast. Do you think you could get about ten guys to move her please?

  8. Supi, did I tell you I met Charlie there a couple of times?

  9. I think these guys have learned their lesson~ UNTIL next time, Of course I doubt there's a next time for that first one(Something tells me he didn't survive)

  10. Don't be so tough on that first man's choice!

    Shade in the summer -- food in the winter.

  11. That guy got smashed in more than one way.

  12. LL, you got me good with that one. I'll eat well indeed.

  13. Madhat, yes I did. Welcome to my pages. You know who told me who you are. Your secret is safe with me.

  14. I remember those Sunday mornings when awaking feeling a bit rough but slowly remembering what might have been done last night, it comes back slowly, the horror...

  15. I hope he wasn't in vegas, and they had gotten married, that would REALLY be horrible.

  16. Banned, it's toughest looking your friends in the eye the next day. The lady on top of me is only the usual hazard.

  17. Bunni, no it's not in Vegas, but in Reno. We met when I was...?

  18. This will go an awfully long way in promoting the temperance movement.


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