Thursday, April 21, 2011

I'm a Man and I Can Fix That ! #4

Desk overloaded? I can fix that!
 Car can't be ordered with the "Woody" option? I can fix that!
Exhaust pipe dragging? I can fix that!
Gotta feed the baby AND do the laundry? I can fix that!
Cables falling behind the desk? I can fix that!  THIS IS ACTUALLY A GREAT IDEA!! 
No skate park in town? I can fix that!
and - last but not least - - - -
Out of diapers?  I can fix that!

Thanks David .... That's all Folks !


  1. I should never have given your e-mail addy to that damn girl friend...

  2. Randy, she would have got it on her own, I simply irresistible.

  3. I like the cable idea!
    Wish I'd known about that cup idea when my boy was a baby.

    BTW It looks like it's going to start raining here today~Thanks for the duct tape idea yesterday :)

  4. Stopsign, duct tape fixes everything. When I had snowmobiles we used it to fix cracked wind shields with it. We called it high speed tape then.

  5. That woody Prius looks familiar... There's a hippie around here who has grafted two or three school buses, one of those back-of-the-pickup campers, and a lot of plywood into a giant rolling disaster. I bet they're related.

  6. I've done 4 of these. Fortunately for the sake of propriety, sticking my baby's peepee in a cup is not one of them....

  7. Alright, I'm doing the cable idea when I get home. Ingenious.

    And the first one? Tell me where you keep your Playboys...

  8. Inno, should I save my scraps for that guy?

  9. Euripides, so what you mean is you've never run out of diapers?

  10. Jake, that is a great idea alright. I don't keep all of my old playboys on one table. I don't have a table strong enough.

  11. We kept cloth diapers around just in case we ran out of poop baggies. I'm pretty certain that this sort of solution to a lack of diapers would never have crossed my mind.

  12. LOL! Most of these are great ideas (minus the peepee in a cup one)! I especially love the wooden car one. But that does remind me of the movie, Three Men and a Baby.

  13. Euripides, Oh come on, you're a man and you can fix that!

  14. I can't remember the last time I saw so many good uses for duct tape or a paper cup! LOL!


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