Thursday, March 3, 2011

Went Through A "Stopsign" On The Way To WalMart? 2

Oh dear God! Please someone go explain to her what “cougar hunting” is. I think she is taking it way too literally.

Hearts, stars, and horseshoes, clovers, and blue moons, pots of gold, and rainbows,
and even red balloons!!!! Unfortunately these “Lucky Charms” aren’t magically delicious.

 Nothing runs like a Deere? You should have seen me haul ass when I saw her.
 Why wouldn’t you wanna show off that grade-A caboose
after all that toning you’ve put in with those ankle weights?
I didn’t know I could buy a table dance at Walmart too! They really do have everything now.

Our friend "Stopsign" was kind enough to send me these. Hat/Tip: STOPSIGN


  1. lmao! I wonder if they will do a roll back on that "table dance" too? I'm thinking 50cent piece might be a little to much.

  2. I hope the cougar woman is the activities director at a senior center. She would definitely book trips to casinos.

  3. I wear my ankle weights in the bathroom. I really need to cut back on the fiber.

  4. Stopsign, rule number one: get a table strong enough then sweat the small stuff later.

  5. Supi, she's really dressed for a night out at Walmart.

  6. Nickie, we all need to exercise where and when we can.

  7. Only a Walmart idiot would have a John Deere logo tattooed on her. Was she paid by John Deere to advertise?

  8. Teresa, I take exception to that. I have one tattooed on my ass.

  9. Table dances are usually in the hardware section....

  10. Attention to Detail again----

    'Table Dancer' - To the left; $38 eye exams - Is she in need of one or is she the test?

    @ Randy-g,,,,Look to her right, the department says 'Women', so the caption is technically correct.

  11. You should sell eye bleach, Odie. They keep getting uglier by the minute.

  12. Randy, makes sense to me. That's where to guys are. We just have to go to the furniture section to get that table.

  13. And that is why I don't go to the Mart! The humanity! Dear God!

  14. Do these ghastly people actively compete to get in photo stories like this? Have they got a Facebook page to organize their Wal-Mart t*rror*sm?

  15. Banned, what a great idea ... let's have a competition.


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