Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fun Signs For Your Approval 3

Thanks Dan !


  1. The hooking sign was no doubt near "Spitzer's" office.

  2. Wonder how many accidents that 2nd sign caused?
    BTW I'm not doing "that" for the alligators too!

  3. Stopsign, it's great when they don't have to be faked.

  4. They need to correct the KEEP RIGHT sign in the RINOs parking lot.

  5. OK, should I be embarrassed to admit that I don't understand sign #2?

    In La Paz, Bolivia, there's a bus stop where the buses labeled H, E, and LL all come together. Me and my colleagues used to laugh about that being the most accurate sign in all of La Paz.

  6. Opie, that is the sign from the RINOs parking lot ... fits huh.

  7. Euripides, "Caution Ladies of the Evening Ahead"?

    Next Time take a picture.

  8. Is that no hooking sign in front of a prison?

  9. WHT ... "Here's your Sign" ... you like him too?

  10. I don't know Supi, but it sure captures the act.

  11. Half of the women in my "ville" would be out of work if this hooking ban is a trend. I must vigorously protest!

  12. That second sign, it looks more like a variety of "deer crossing" warning sign. Is it advertising or prohibiting? Slow down so you don't run down a whore caught in your headlights?

  13. Scott, good for you! We need to stick up for all working women.

  14. Sig94, how about She's such a dear and she's crossing to get closer to you?

  15. Floydo, Glad you enjoyed, and I hope to see here often.

  16. Hi Odie, Fun signs! I think the one above the aligators is hung by the door of a certain person who will be nameless.....hee hee. He lives @ 1600....fill in the rest. Hope you don't have TOO much snow.

  17. They could have had the decency to let drivers know just how far ahead those ladies of the night were going to be, Odie! ;-)


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