Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Went Through A "Stopsign" On The Way To WalMart?

 Hershey’s has a new butterscotch chip! Now, somebody go get us a few barrels of cookie dough.
Halloween shopping tip: You don’t need to wear last year’s costume to shop for this year’s.
By the way, is the lady in red wearing the same? I can’t believe more than one person bought these shorts?
 I hope you just injured that foot from kicking your own ass for wearing that out in public.
 I was going to count how many sizes too small that is but I’ve only got like 20 years of education.
If there is anyone out there with a doctorate in
Quantum Physics that would like to give it a try, we would welcome the answer. 
What has to happen in your life for you to just say “f*** it” and then leave your house with your toddler’s 3T on?

Our friend "Stopsign" was kind enough to send me these. Hat/Tip: STOPSIGN


  1. Now you know how I got the name stopsign..
    I think someone was taking pics. of me there ( I will watch for it) lol

  2. And yet I still shop at walmart....

  3. It is time for the clothing industry to do another vanity size again. Call size 22's size 10's.

  4. Euripides, I'll send over the brain bleach.

  5. WHT, do you need the brain bleach too?

  6. Call me one for detail but I love the pic about 'sizes too small'.

    Gotta love the sign to the bottom left "Rollback",,,lmao

  7. Like Randy - G said, I still shop at WalMart too.

  8. Some on had to take those pictures Odie....Heh.

  9. The only skinny people in wallyworld are transvestites. I'm sure of it.

  10. Help, Odie, my eyes.
    Don't people own mirrors?
    Happy Wed., stay out of walmart for your own good.

  11. Christopher, well whats your guess? You mean a roll on her back?

  12. So Admiral, I look forward to seeing you on these pages.

  13. Randy, I always take my camera to Walmart, but Reno shoppers are a little sharper.

  14. Inno, and the guy with the leg rest T-shirt.

  15. I doubt it because I would be underweight and I have a different dress code.

  16. Bunni, what ever would you and Stopsign send me if people used mirrors?

  17. If you ever feel as though things are pressing you down and life couldn't get worse for you - heading to WalMart provides you with the living proof that you're nowhere near bottom.

  18. Opie, I'm a glad you a thinks it's derned funny.

  19. LL, so what you're a saying is if you're a viewin these from the "outside", there's a bottom you haven't reached yet.

  20. And this is why I have limited my number of shopping trips to Walmart.

  21. Teresa, this is why I've expanded my number of visits to Walmart.

  22. And they say a man can't love his tractor!

  23. She thinks my tractors sexy!


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