Monday, March 21, 2011

Fun Signs For Your Approval

Please forgive me for being absent from your blogs
lately. It's snowing here again like a bat out of hell.
Some of these signs you have seen, so live with it ...
I'm busy.

Thanks Dan


  1. Shots of espresso and a puppy...
    I love that one!

  2. Randy, that's getting even with parents that are bad at parenting.

  3. I like the espresso and free puppy sign too.

  4. The first four are fun and makes one pay attention,,the last?

  5. It appears to be raining cows in Truckee!

  6. Christopher, check out LL's most bodacious comment.

  7. In my hillbilly country all the cows have two legs shorter than the others from walking the hillsides. We don't need signs but we look up a lot!

  8. Love the puppy and espresso sign, Odie. The Drink and drive sign is good too.

  9. Scott, does that mean they can only walk in one direction?

  10. Teresa, I could post a blank page and you'd love it ... admit it. You come here for me.

  11. They have had the one about "selling unaccompanied children to the circus" in my local pub for years and it raises a smile.
    One day some miserablist will wander in to the pub by mistake and then go to the police with his evidence of "child sex trafficking".

  12. I'm not leaving my child unattended anymore(We have enough animals :)

  13. That last one was always my favorite!

  14. Stopsign, it's a great way to get a little peace and quiet around the old homestead.

  15. Shayne, you don't ever want to park there.

  16. Some WV cows walk in circles as do the deer. (actually accurate if you follow them)My wife was from WV and I told her she was always walking in a ditch.

  17. My grandfather sat my mother on a fence post when she was 5 and let her sit there and squall while he drove off. She didn't act up with him again.---child abuse in today's chickified liberal world.

  18. That's the way it is with some states, Scott. We just walk in circles.

  19. That is the swinging pendulum theory of political change--two steps forward and three steps back.

  20. Only move forward when all governmental regulations have been adhered to Odie--That may take several years and a few commissions to figure it out and by that time you will be stuck where you are again---ARRRGGGHHH


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