Saturday, April 7, 2012

Me and Taylor ~ OR ~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

What a Doll !


  1. Meh, she's OK, I guess.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. She's a cutie, but a bit over rated as a singer. I can't believe she won the CMA award AGAIN last week.

    Happy Easter, Odie!

  3. Bunni, this post was really about the photo.

  4. She doesn't do a thing for me Odie, but I'll admit that's she's very pretty.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  5. I see you had more fun than I did today working on Post. Think I'll going fishing late this afternoon, since I can toss a rock and hit the lake.

  6. Sandee, that tells us a lot about you.

  7. Ron, shoot ... I have to drive a couple of miles.

  8. Now that I look at the pic for a second time, I see what you are talking about. It is always flattering when the young beauties fall in love with a man as wise and world-experienced as yourself, Odie. No wonder she turned your, er, head.

  9. The thing I appreciate about Taylor Swift is that she was a wonderful role model when she started and has remained so as a young adult. So many very young girls look up to. Taylor Swift will never turn into Miley Cyrus.

  10. Thanks Opie, her beauty is only second to yours.

  11. Maggie, yup she's a babster roll model alright.


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