Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wild Bill and "State Champions"

Here's another great piece by Wild Bill. It's no surprise
where my state of California ends up on "The List".

Check out those fish jumping after the bugs. You'll
see those bugs go by Bill once in awhile ... Yummy!


  1. If I lived in Wyoming, I would be saying, "Shhhhh!, shhh1, nothing to see here..."

  2. No doubt!

    Makes me want to move to Wyoming, instead of job-killing, mass exodus, high-tax Ohio!

    Wild Bill is da' man! (I do miss the mustache, though.)

  3. CA conservatives run as high as 45%, although some issues, like gay marriage, still don't pass here. I pray for this state and other failed liberal messes.

  4. Brooke, My state is the worst, so I know what you're talking about.

    Mustache? Sit back and enjoy mine.

  5. Opie, we didn't really know just how bad it was until Brown won. You've heard of the "beginning of the end", right? This is the "End of the End" for California.

    When elected officials think Illegals are more important than Citizens, we may as well give it up and move to Texas like the businesses are doing.

  6. And there are no hurricanes in Wyoming.


  8. I still have a home in Wyoming, rented to a niece. Retirement if I a ever get there will be summers in Wyo, winters in Arizona...I spent over thirty years there, I still wonder(damn women!) how I ended up in North Dakota!

  9. A Pissed Off Irishman, you never disappoint. Tuck her in to keep warm.

  10. Mr., Yes he does. I'll send you his YouTube link for your iPad.

  11. I lived in the once Golden State in the early 1990's. Was in Porterville and was sent there my WalMart to help open the distribution center. At that time drunks were put on state disability and issued a check each month---thought that to be strange! I forgot where I was! Not wonder the state if broke and deep in the red. Did I say "Red" ---very fitting when you stop and think what the word means!!!!

  12. Odie, I would kill for a 'stache right now!

    12 YEARS of marriage and a couple of months ago my hubby decided to give me a heart attack by shaving clean.

    Ugh! I love some facial hair on a man. It's so... well.. MANLY.

    He promises to grow it back 2012. 'Till then, I'll just have to vicariously enjoy yours! ;)

  13. he so gets it Woodsy!..Happy new year buddy!!!:-)

  14. Great video. I've been hearing about North Dakota a lot lately and how well the state is doing. Not surprised that Obama wants to end it.
    Those fish jumping around remind me of the mullet fish here in SWFL. They jump like that, but nobody knows why. (One theory is they do it for fun? I say, maybe a bigger fish is after them.) Usually jump out about 3 times in a row before they stop.

  15. I might have to winter in Wyoming to get away from cedar trees.

  16. London is to England as California is to the USA which is why I fled it two decades ago but, unlike Wyoming, my particular, reasonably well run retreat, is sunny, warm and by the coast.

  17. I'm moving! You wanna be my pilot?

    Why aint there someone in the background of this video with a fishing pole?

  18. Brooke, My 'stache is a condition of marriage. I've had mine for 37 years.

  19. Lady, I think they're after the bugs in the air.

  20. Supi, ah allergies ... glad I don't have them.

  21. Stopsign, He's always got some animal life going on in the background. It's usually squirrels though.

    You sure you're not a pilot?

  22. Liberalism has killed many cities economies across America. Wyoming sounds like a great place.


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