Saturday, December 3, 2011

End of Civilization OR Rule 5 Woodsterman Style


  1. Reminds me of a couple of old jokes, including the guy marooned on an island with 6 beautiful women, each of which he "serviced" one night a week. While it was quite good for a time, by Sunday, his only day of rest he was pretty beat and realized he needed some help. One day, a small raft appear on the horizon. As it gets closer, he sees there is a man aboard and is filled with relief, knowing that he would have some help in "servicing" the women. As the raft got closer, the man on the raft called out "Yoo-Hoo! Yoo-Hoo!". The man on the beach says to himself, "There go my Sundays"

  2. There's also the "clamdigger" joke, but I'll leave that for another time.

  3. Fig leaves leave me curious. How are they attached. Was there a type of adhesive? Fishline string? How soon did the leaf wilt? Dry out? Need to be replaced? Did they ever go out of season?

  4. Opie, way too much thought for a Saturday morning. Let's just say "Stems".

  5. By request:

    A child is marooned on an island by a shipwreck. His parents are there with him for a short time, but eventually, the pass and he is left alone. Many years pass. He survives by digging up the clams in the lagoon and eating them.

    One day, there is a raft on the horizon. As it gets closer, he sees a beautiful woman is aboard. She comes ashore and collapses. Having never seen a woman other than his mother, he is fascinated. He nurses her to health and she regains consciousness. When she realizes she has been saved by this young man, she is overcome with gratitude. When she learns his history on the island, she decides to give him "something special" She takes off her tattered clothing and says, "What do you think of this?" He looks over her tanned, lean and fit nude body and says, "Very nice, but look what it did to my clamdigger!"

  6. Civilization never had a chance around you folks...lmao.

  7. Deekaman, clamdigger will never be the same.

  8. I feel traumatized by exposure to near naked flesh and demand compensation.

  9. Teresa, Alright girl ... you're getting in the spirit of things here.

  10. OK Banned, take two eves and see me in the morning.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.