Thursday, March 20, 2025

It's About Time For Some Libturd Thursday ~ AM


Thanks Skip


  1. If Chief Justice Roberts and Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett continue to permit lower court judges to dismantle America's constitutional framework through capricious nationwide injunctions, the public's confidence in the judiciary's capacity to function as a reliable government branch will only diminish further. It is within the purview of the chief justice to either halt such behavior or stand by as the president disregards it. The decision lies solely with him.

  2. No judge should be appointed for life. 7 years max. 14 years Supreme Court. No re-ups. Thanks for service, buh bye.


    1. Drew458, I'm afraid Term Limits are the one thing our founding fathers forgot. Well, maybe next time.

  3. I don't recall hearing Roberts criticize Schumer when Schumer incited nut jobs to physically assault justices. Some how threatening the political process against a judge is worse than inciting violence?!?

    1. Anon, They used to share a island destination together.

  4. I would think that Roberts would be concerned that the same blackmail info, likely tied to little boys on Epstein's Island that was used to secure his deeply twisted ruling on Obamacare, is now in the hands of the Trump administration.

    1. MrLiberty, have you been reading my comments above? :)

  5. Whether Roberts is being blackmailed, I can't say. The issue of hack Democrats trying to slow Trump and Musk's reforms is going to have to be fought out in court.

    The real issue is that, like Congress, there need to be term limits on the Federal bench, including the Supremes.

  6. I do not think the military is under the control of any civilian judge, nor should it be. They have their own courts and judges, under the UCMJ. This ruling should just be ignored, otherwise this is a very slippery slope-the problems would never end. IE: Joe is a soldier, but cannot send him into battle, etc,etc

  7. What's wrong with these out of control judges? They are some combination of, socialist, commie, pedo, queer, Satanist, thieving (ngo, insider trading, etc.) narcissistic parasite. Maybe you can think of some more reasons.

    1. Tree Mike, naw, I think you pretty well covered it. LOL!


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.