Thursday, January 25, 2024

Thursday Means Libturds ~ PM Edition


Thanks FBers


  1. Last one is Jimmy Stewart, back in the day of the Greatest Generation. #4 is what we now have in Willow Alaska. Yes, it snows a lot and often there. Always scratch my head and wonder why the state brainiacs don’t harvest the energy from any of our volcanoes. Where they take hot rocks and dump them in water to get steam to power generators. Sez, 1st ANGLICO We could have large greenhouses growing food.

    1. 1stANGLICO, We have the same snow here, but not this year. Go figure because last year we set records.

  2. James Stewart was an American National Treasure!

  3. Bitchi Longstocking reminds us the Lefties aren't smart at all.


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