Sunday, January 21, 2024

Happy Funday Y'all ~ AM


Thanks FBers


  1. Back when the Raiders where great

  2. Hi, John. Hi, Duke, you never sold out. Hi, Merlin, hi Rosey.

    Noble sentiment, that last.

  3. #8 Fearsome Foursome of the Rams. Back in the day of football when the game was outdoors in all kinds of weather. Loved it when Lions played Browns in Cleveland and uniforms would get so muddy, one had a difficult time reading the player’s number on the old black-n-white TV. #1 reminds me of the Alcan Hwy. Lumpy-bumpy in summer, whereas in winter it flattens right out. Thanks,Odie, sez 1st ANGLICO

  4. I see Kenny "The Snake" Stabler. Where is Otis Sistrunk, University of Mars?

  5. Good time in South Dakota with no pot holes... I had a good morning, I too, didn't lose my balance and I stole your meme... As far as cakes goes, I just finished eating a cake: A Chocolate cake of Death! A three chocolate dark fudge cake... I won't be stolen for awhile.

    1. Cederq, congratulations! I know that underwear trick ain't easy.

  6. 1. Good chuckle.
    2. Smart thinking.
    3. I don't get the sports stuff, sorry.
    4. I think we need more men like him.
    5. Little chuckle there.
    6. Never spit out my drink before..
    7. There's a blast from the past.
    8. Football... ;)
    9. Oh, yeah!
    10. I've heard that before...
    Thanks, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. LindaG, let's get working on the "Sports Stuff" (football), shall we.

  7. Being from Bama, it did my heart much good to see The Snake! what else can be said for Madden and the Four? men were men! WE were Americans!


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