Friday, January 12, 2024

Let's Have Another Funderwhoopee Friday ~ AM

 Thanks FBers


  1. 1. I am sure duct tape would work quite well...

    4. "Good night, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are."
    Honestly though. While I recognized Mr. Durante, my first thought was not Desi..

    5. Haha.
    6. Hahahahaha!! True...
    7. Haha.
    8. Mostly true; but sometimes it's people who think they can drive through it because they've done it before, too.

    10. Besides being ignorant, I am guessing they figure they won't need a spare?
    Enjoyed them all. Thank you, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. LindaG, Desi wasn't my first guess either.

      In the snowmobiling world we call duct tape, "High Speed Tape."

  2. Like the last one. Down here, in North Georgia, we call those Redneck Cadillacs.

  3. you never know how good a job of wiping you've done unless you have a friend who takes a photo of your backside

  4. Spare tire...Way up in the air like that, of course its going to look tiny

  5. As to the Jeep, easy, he ran out of money.

  6. Drugs likely are in the spare tire, out of range of dogs.


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