Friday, January 20, 2023

Funderwhoopie Friday ~ Walmart Double Bagging


So I am at Walmart scanning and bagging my almost $300 worth of groceries while the employee that wants $15 an hour "monitors" and then this happened.

Her - why are you double bagging all of your groceries?

Me - excuse me?

Her - you are wasting our bags!

Me - if you don't like the way I'm bagging the groceries, feel free to come on over here and bag them yourself.

Her - that's not my job!

Me - okay, then I will bag my groceries how I please if that's alright with you.

Her - why are you using two bags?!

Me - because the bags are weak and I don't want the handles to break or the bottoms to rip out.

Her - well that's because you are putting too much stuff in the bag. If you took half of that stuff out and put it in a different bag then you wouldn't need to double bag.

*10 seconds of me just staring at her.

Me - so you want me to split these items in half and put half of them in a different bag so that I don't have to double bag.

Her - exactly.

Me - so I would still be using two bags to hold the same number of items.

Her - no because you wouldn't be double bagging.

*me pressing two fingers to my left eye in an attempt to make it stop twitching.

Me - okay so here I have a jug of milk and a bottle of juice double bagged. If I take the milk out and remove the double bagging and just put the milk in the single bag and the juice in that single bag I'm still using two bags for these two items.

Her- no because you are not double bagging them so it's not the same number of bags.

*me looking around at about 10 other customers who at this point are enjoying the show.

Me- is this like that Common Core math stuff I keep hearing about?

Her- never mind you just don't get it. 

And with that, she went back to her little Podium so she could continue texting or playing games on her phone or whatever it was she was doing before she decided to come over and critique my bagging skills.


  1. You scared me with that double bagging. Thought it was something else.

  2. Lefties claim they think Spock is cool, but they hate logic.

  3. You're lucky she could speak English.

  4. At that point if I had not paid for the groceries I would have walked out leaving everything behind.

    1. tsquared, I think it would be more fun to laugh at her.

  5. its better to go shopping when your drunk.

  6. Yeah, they certainly deserve that $15/hour. Who said common sense is actually common?

  7. My son only puts one or two items in each bag. When the scan-monitor tells him he can put more in the bag he tells'em that he was never notified about the scanning class and he's doing the best he can with no training. Also, come to think of it he doesn't work for them so why's he having to do their job. That usually shuts them up.

    1. clayusmcret, hey! Why don't they pay us? I smell a rat.

  8. Probably a good idea to "double bag" it when dealing with a walmart employee.

    1. Roger, I use the checkouts and they mostly double bag.

  9. He should have asked her how many bags it WOULD be, then. Except the answer probably would have given him a real headache then.
    Thanks, Odie!
    You all be safe and have a blessed weekend! Try to stay warm and dry.

  10. I gotta know, was her name Karen?

  11. or when we get our pick-up order it is one item per bag. I order 30 items you can bet it will be close to 30 bags. Total lunacy!

  12. This would be hilarious if it weren't so tragic. It seems critical thinking died with the rejection of the turn signal.

    1. Mad celt, they're taught by teachers just like this.

  13. Not just Walmart either, unfortunately.

  14. Not an 8th grade "graduation" in the whole bunch...

  15. Well starting Jan 1st this year our walmart monitors would never ever possibly be that dumb!!! If you're wondering how that is possible, our gay state government started to ban all single use bags. So there is your solution - no more bags. If a store want's to use those single use bags then the cost is 10 cents. 4 cents goes to walmart and 6 cents goes to the state for bag enforcement. And walmart has to start a bag compliance department. So no more bags at the grocery stores. Wait it gets better: if you online shop at walmart they charge you 75cents for reusable bags, which you have to pay and can not reuse for online shopping, so you end up using the 75cent bag once and they pile up......Colorado if you are wondering.

    1. greg, I'm in California, and we've enjoyed that for ten years now. Welcome to my world.

    2. I was stationed in Cali once - will never go back. Was stationed in Colorado....also will never go back. It's called acceptance, and I won't accept it.

    3. clayusmcret, I would leave yesterday if I could drag Mrs. Woodsterman away from her grandson.

    4. My grandkids live in the Phoenix area cast iron skillet. We won't move there. Our son's in-laws live there, which is why my daughter-in-law demands they live there. The in-laws are finally moving to a state we want to be in, so we're hoping my son and his family will soon follow....because we will, too. However, in the meantime we have a car and the ability to travel to the cast iron skillet they live in now. Sometimes ya just gotta take a stand. (I know - happy wife.....)


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