Monday, August 29, 2022

Awww Monday Woodsterman Style ~ 366 ~ A



  1. Every day is Dog Day. Cats just think it's Cat Day.

    1. edutcher, you're right because cats keep disappearing around here.

  2. Love the last one the very best. A very clever kitty.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Odie. ♥

  3. Dogs at their core are "what can I do for you?" Cats are "what have you done for me in the 2 seconds? I don't care what you did, feed me now or I'll pee in your shoes".
    But cats can't avoid boxes. Take some tape, mark out a box on the floor, your cat will come sit in it. That's why Schrodinger's cat had to be in the box.
    Bears eating apples. It's funnier when the apples start to turn and get a little alcoholic; you wind up with drunk bears and Goldilocks' left foot the only thing you can find.

    1. mer, my neighbor's son has an apple orchard near Carson City that gets taken over by bears every fall. No drunk bears I've heard of yet.

    2. Hmm. Leave out bottles of vodka by the apples and see what happens. Russians, Bears, Vodka, Russian, so Bears prefer Vodka over Tequila.
      Bears are funny critters. Black bears (or "Bears of Colors") are pretty scared of humans until mama has her cubs, then stay the heck away.

  4. Haha! These are all pretty good. Definitely needed to see this today.
    Thank you, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  5. Let's face it= every day is love your pet day!


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