Saturday, June 25, 2022

The Sun Dress ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style ~ AM


Other Rule 5 ers That Like Women in Dresses:


  1. Few things bring a smile more quickly than a sun dress wafting on a summer breeze on the body of a young woman.

  2. I must say the first one eating a cookie, I would keep her in cookies... and the blond gal in the blue and white dress is a knock out! Oh, for a little strong wind to happen by...

    1. Cederq, your comment is a true representation of a sundress connoisseur.

  3. How can I disagree with edutcher or Cederq? I can't. I have to confess that I prefer a woman in a sundress over a woman in an evening gown.
    Thank you for putting in the effort to find these lovlies.

    1. mer, oh to be their age again. I love the sundresses too.

  4. A lot of very pretty ladies, Odie. But I don't see how #2 can sit comfortably at that angle. I know I could not.
    Hope you are having a blessed weekend, Odie! God bless.

  5. That is a very nice collection Odie. Have a great week!

  6. Neither was it a hill for a climber like you!


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