Tuesday, June 14, 2022




In your house…its ok if you want or where no one sees them, but not in a restaurant. It is a public place devoted to food consumption.

The truth is…I don't agree, I don't know what you think, but it makes me sick.

I know that many will come out to defend it, and they will say a lot of things in her favor, but they won't even change my mind about this act.

It's a bad habit. You can tell what's been instilled in her house and it looks like it's normal for her, as if nothing's happened, but... don’t be putting your dirty flip-flops on the table. It isn't right.

Thanks John!


  1. I'd ask the kid if I could have some when he's done.

  2. Hey soy boys; that is what those things are for.

  3. After seeing your Saturday posts it seems strange that you have an aversion to this woman who obviously is well endowed to the benefit of a future taxpayer that will help fund your social security. I think you should be thanking her for her service.

    1. Pattymelt, OK thank you, but did you read the whole post???

  4. Almost got me, but if you read the whole thing, especially that last sentence, you realize "flip flops on the table? Oh hell no".
    But where does she get the privilege to appropriate a man bun?

  5. Ah dunno? take a trip to any third-world-sh1thole in sub-Saharan Africa and you'll see the same thing 24/7/365. O' course that woman'll be feeding her baby, not tryin' to prove a point 'n lookin' fer an argument.

    1. Last sentence, that was the first thought I had after seeing the flip flops.

    2. boron, yup, have to read it all ... LOL.

  6. Wanna shake em up good? I just start filming it........

  7. My thought when I started reading was the only problem I had was she wasn't being discreet.
    Upon finishing the article, I wonder why she had to take her flip flops off to do it.

    Thanks, Odie. You all be safe and God bless!

  8. Hahaha.
    You had me going until the end. Funny how you think you know what's going on. Good one!


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