Sunday, July 25, 2021

Happy Funday All ~ 2


Thanks FBers


  1. Then I be the goodest man around... It also stands to reason those fishing chairs are too flimsy and narrow to make good by the bank fishing. SNL funny, until all of the original crew left. After that it was rehash and old stale skits and jokes.

    1. Cederq, goodest works. Let's beef up a couple of those bad boy chairs and go fishing.

    2. Down along side the Washoe Lake, the Truckee or Carson River?

    3. Cederq, the Carson River flows north toward Washoe Lake and turns at Carson and heads east a couple of miles before it hits Washoe. The Truckee leaves the dam at Lake Tahoe and heads north to Truckee (my home) and then heads north east to Pyramid Lake going through Reno on its way.

    4. I know, I use to live in Reno, out on the back side of Stead Airport and I have fished all those places and a lot more... Furthermost upriver I have fished is by Lawton and east out by Wildwood. Good fishing up in your neck of the woods?

    5. Cederq, I mostly fish the lakes up here. It can be great at times and some days you really have to work.

  2. Stopped SNL around 1980. Long past its expiration date.

  3. A10s. Like bumblebees, proof that enough horsepower can make anything fly.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.